Choir director mentoring
Do you want to lead a choir but don't know where to start?
Maybe you already direct a choir but want to develop some of your skills.
I literally wrote the book on that and I’d love to share what I know with you.
In-studio lessons in Lewisham in the inner west of Sydney or online from anywhere
My PhD research focused specifically on effective teaching and learning practices for community choirs, and how beginner and intermediate choir directors can learn them. One day I will get around to publishing that book but in the meantime, I've acquired over a decade of experience directing choirs and I'd love to share what I know with you.
There are many interconnected skills involved in leading a choir (including musical, aural, vocal, social, crowd-wrangling, repertoire selection, arranging, and business skills), and together we'll make sure you excel at all of them so you can stand in front of your choir and feel confident teaching repertoire, conducting rehearsals and performances, troubleshooting inaccuracies and growing your choir community.
Mentoring may include
Conducting technique
Rehearsal technique
Teaching strategies
Aural skills
Vocal development
Vocal health for choir directors
Musicianship and notation
Understanding vocal ranges
Repertoire selection
Arranging for choir
Business skills for choir directors