The ‘Dr’ in front of my name isn’t because I have medical training; it’s because I have research training! I’m basically the biggest choir nerd you’ve ever met. One of my choirs call me ‘Dr Choir’.
Dr Naomi Cooper
Alongside my professional practice as a musician, I hold a PhD in music and am a researcher with research interests in community choirs, choral director training, community music, and the singing voice.
I am currently an Adjunct Research Fellow at the Creative Arts Research Institute at Griffith University working on projects on trans, gender diverse and non-binary singing voice, and Estonian choral singing traditions in Australia.
I have published extensively in journals, books and conference proceedings and have presented at many national and international conferences.
I have taught choir, vocal studies, music analysis and popular music studies at Macquarie University and Western Sydney University, and worked on various projects as a research assistant.
Current research project
Transforming trans singing education: motivations and experiences of trans, gender diverse and non-binary singers
Research team
Dr Naomi Cooper
Adjunct Research Fellow, Creative Arts Research Institute, Griffith University
Professor Scott Harrison
Pro Vice Chancellor of the Arts, Education and Law Group and South Bank Provost, Griffith University
Nadine Manion
Adjunct Research Fellow, Creative Arts Research Institute, Griffith University
Mama Alto
CEO, Transgender Victoria
Book chapters
Journal articles
Peer-reviewed conference proceedings
Cooper, N. (2014). How community choirs learn if they do not sight-read: Profiling community choirs In Australia. In D. Forrest (Ed.) Proceedings of the International Society for Music Education, 31st World Conference on Music Education (ISME 2014), Porto Alegre, Brazil, 20-25 July 2014. International Society for Music Education: Victoria, Australia
Cooper, N. (2011). Two hands, many voices: Learning to be a choral director. (Bachelor of Music (Honours)), University of Western Sydney, Kingswood.
Conference papers
Cooper, N. and Manion, Harrison, S., N., Alto, M (2022). Transforming Trans singing Education. ANATS National Conference Encompassing the Vocal Spectrum, Adelaide and online.
Cooper, N. Manion, N., Harrison, S and Alto, M. (2022). Transforming Trans singing Education. International Society for Music Education International Conference, online.
Cooper, N. Manion, N., Harrison, S and Alto, M. (2022). Transforming Trans Singing Education: motivations and experiences of Australian trans, gender diverse and non-binary singers. ANCA Research Conference, online.
Cooper, N. (2018). Estonian singing traditions as an impetus for community-building and expressing Estonian cultural heritage in Australia. ISME Community Music Activity Commission. International Seminar, Tbilisi, Georgia.
Lee Higgins, Kathryn Deane, Thomas Johnston, Alicia de Banffy Hall, Don Coffman, Lee Willingham, Kari, Veblen, Naomi Cooper, Maria Shiobara, Magali Klber and Deanna Yerichuk (2016). Community Music Policy Symposium. ISME Community Music Activity Commission. International Seminar, Edinburgh, Scotland.
Diane Hughes, Veronica Monro, Liz Pascoe and Naomi Cooper (2015). Celebrating communities of musical practice: Group singing, pedagogies and creative opportunities. Australian National Association of Teachers of Singing National Conference, Hobart, Australia.
Cooper, N. (2016). Becoming a community choir director in Australia in the 21st Century. ISME Community Music Activity Commission. International Seminar, Edinburgh, Scotland.
Cooper, N. (2015). Learning to direct community choirs in Australia. Asia Pacific Community Music Network Seminar, Tokyo, Japan.
Diane Hughes, Veronica Monro, Anne Power, Belinda Lemon-McMahon, Sarah Powell, Naomi Cooper. (2014). Why sing? Multidimensional approaches to the singing voice. International Society for Music Education International Conference, Porto Alegre, Brazil.
Cooper, N. (2016). Ways community choir directors in Australia teach. International Society for Music Education International Conference, Glasgow, Scotland.
Cooper, N. (2015). Community choir singing: ways choir directors teach. Australian National Association of Teachers of Singing National Conference, Hobart, Australia.